
Saturday, September 1, 2012


I finished my second needle felted wall doll for the Hampton Art Networks Art Walk. The walk is just a month away and I have committed three pieces to be displayed- but have only two completed at this point! Yikes! Periwinkle and Pansy and a third that is just a vision in my mind right now. Well I do work well under pressure so hopefully I will make the October 4th deadline!
In any case Pansy is a throw back to the 1960's with her embroidered skirt with matching caplet  topped off with a pillbox hat. She holds a basket of pansies.

Her hair is light purple braided wool yarn. Her outfit is powder blue felt lined with a patterned blue cotton. She has laced undies that extend just a tiny bit below her skirt. I also made the flowers in her basket from felt. She is the same size a Periwinkle, 24 inches, but both her legs are extended straight. With each of these wall dolls I have tried to use unusual colors or color combinations- in this case- powder blue with royal purple accents.