
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Princess Peyton

I just completed my 8th wall doll. Not a mermaid this time, but a princess! I wanted to try making a crown- hence the royalty. Anyone that knows me is aware of my aversion to beading. I really do not like doing it and as a result do not do it well. But I wanted to make a crown. So to avoid the wire and beads often use in crowns, I made mine out of lace with a few bead embellishments. I am really happy with the results.
Step 1: Find a piece of lace that can be cut and fitted to the doll's head. I used an old dresser scarf, fussy cut it and sewed it into the shape of a crown. Dry fit it to the doll.
Step 2: Roll a piece of cardboard into a tube that matches the circumference of the doll's head. Cover the cardboard with tape (wide packing tape works well) so the crown will not stick to the cardboard during the drying process.
Step 3: Soak the crown in Fabric Stiffener- I used Paverpol and let it dry on the cardboard tube. I let mine dry overnight, but I have read that you can use the microwave to speed up the process. You can shape the crown a bit during the drying process.
Step 4: When dry the crown will be very firm. Slide it off the cardboard form and embellish to your heart's content. You can paint it, bead it....whatever! I wanted mine to look like lace so I left it pretty plain, just added the beads at the edge for a bit of color, but the next time I think I will paint it a metallic color. Just a different approach.

May I introduce Princess Peyton!

The names of my wall dolls always start with the letter P and Princess Peyton is no exception. She is named in honor of my only grand daughter- Peyton Marianne.  The color scheme is olive green and salmon pink. The bows on her shoes are photographing more orange than they really are. Her scepter is a wooden dowel painted metallic gold with a small Christmas ornament on top. If you take the attachment off the ornament, the dowel slides right inside a perfect fit.
Her hair is braided black yarn. She has a needle felted head and arms with a stuffed torso and legs. She is approximately 24 inches from the very tip of her crown to the bottom of her toes. I am very pleased with her.

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