
Monday, January 2, 2012

Needle Felted Polar Bears

Group Photo

I received two needle felting books for Christmas so I decided to make a few polar bears since I had a large amount of white wool on hand. I think these turned out well considering they are a first attempt. They are quite small, the seated one is the tallest and he is only 3 inches. The two standing ones are less than 4 inches long and approximately 2 3/4 inches tall. Needle felting takes hours!!! The process consists of poking a barbed needle into a mass of wool shaping as you go. I have been knitting up a storm lately and decided I needed a change of pace so tried my hand at a new skill. I must admit that I really like needle felting and will certainly be making more creatures in the future!


  1. I love them. My favorite one is the polar bear sitting, it makes me want to drink a coke.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you for your encouraging comment- I really appreciate it. I am currently working on a giraffe. I have been bitten by the needle felting bug! The only problem is it takes so much time I have been neglecting my dolls lately. Just not enough hours in a day! Kathy

  3. Lovely bears... I like them all!!
